Think you know everything about porn? If you know these 8 categories of porn videos, we could start to believe you.
Let’s be honest, we’ve all seen porn movies, and many of us do it on a more or less regular basis. Whether as part of our individual or couple sexual exploration, or out of mere curiosity, the fact is that very few can say “I don’t even know what that is about”; and it’s very good! Porn can be another tool (among many) to spice up our relationship; As we have said many times, any sexual practice is valid and tastes break genres.
The case of porn is interesting because it can be a double-edged sword if we don’t understand this: like any movie, porn is fiction, not reality. If we take porn as the only reference of how sex “should” be, we are going to face many ridiculous expectations – like thinking that the man should last an hour or that all women like to be ejaculated on them – and a lot Of disappointments because, just as love will never be like in Disney stories, sex will never be like in porn movies.
However, if we are clear about the above, porn videos can be one more erotic stimulant that comes to complement, never replace, other individual and couple practices. Remember that variety is the pleasure, so try not to become obsessed with a single practice: yes, watch porn videos if you like it, but also use toys, experience erotic games with your partner, visit LoveHotels to change the scenarios, in short, give it a try taste to the body in all possible ways.
Now, to be honest (and you won’t let us lie), we think a lot of our Kinky readers are familiar with porn sites, and maybe you know several of the basic categories, either because you like them or because they’re so obvious. For example: lesbian porn, threesomes, big boobs, oral sex, gay porn, or even the MILFs section that has become so popular; but today we present you some not so obvious porn genres that will probably surprise you:
1. Alt-Porn
The name is the conjunction of two words in English (like almost all that we will see): Alternative pornography . It is characterized because the actors of this genre belong to urban tribes (rockers, goths, punks, etc.), and usually have body modifications, tattoos, piercings, outlandish haircuts or any other mark of belonging to the alternative culture.
2. BBW Porn
They are the initials corresponding to Big Beautiful Women, that is, big and beautiful women; although the truth is that “big” is a nice euphemism, since in reality the women who star in this genre exceed size XXXXL.
3. DP
It corresponds to Double Penetration … do we have to explain something else? Okay, this complex double penetration exercise generally works like this: two men penetrating a single woman at the same time. Ready, we will not explain more, let your imagination run wild, the only thing we are going to tell you is that it requires true acrobatic skills on the part of the two men.
4. FFP
It stands for Female Friendly Porn, which means something like friendly porn between girls. This category is aimed mostly at women who generally prefer subtlety to explicitness; As the name implies, they are two or more girls who play “friendly”, something like frat girls a little over the top who get affectionate with each other.
5. Gonzo Porn
The name of this genre has, unlike the others, an interesting history: it comes from the so-called Gonzo Journalism, which emerged in the 70s, which proclaimed a complete subjectivity of history since the journalist was, at the same time, the protagonist of the story it told; So, Gonzo porn has this same premise: the participants of the sexual act are the same ones who film (as in amateur sex).
6. Shemale Porn
This is the term used in the world of porn to refer to non-operated transsexuals , that is, those who take hormones, have female breasts and physical characteristics but retain their male member. It comes from She (she) and Male (man), therefore, this category has them as protagonists.
7. Hentai Porn
It is the name given to Japanese animation (anime) with explicit sexual content, very explicit. In general, these cartoons exaggerate both the erotic features of the body and the fluids and facial expressions, everything is disproportionate, cumbersome and excessive: the size of the members, the breasts, the buttocks… this exacerbation of the sexual makes it very exciting for some people because in real life they could never see something like that.
8. POV
It comes from the English, Point Of View (point of view) and is the porn equivalent of the first-person cinematographic technique; This creates the illusion that what the cameraman sees is what the viewer is seeing, as if the viewer’s eyes were the camera . This method has the advantage of making the public identify more with the action, that they live it; and, in the case of porn, many are more turned on because the actresses look directly at the camera (as if they were looking at you).
How’s it going? Don’t be a know-it-all and honestly tell us how many of these you knew existed. But don’t feel bad if you didn’t know any of them, we already know that the world of porn videos is huge and fits in with everything, but the only thing that doesn’t win is your imagination: your fantasies, ideas, visions and sexual dreams will always surpass to any porn movie.